Independent Facilitation is for everyone.
Independent Facilitation is for everyone.
To meet Isaac is to meet a man with a future.
Independent Facilitation is an inclusive process with the power to effect profound change. Isaac’s experience is a case in point. Fully blind and diagnosed with autism by age seven, Isaac has long coped with a variety of serious physical and developmental challenges.
Having spent his childhood in segregated day programs, in the past Isaac had very little exposure to new people, places or ways of experiencing his own identity.
Everything changed once his mother Alice began receiving individualized funding enabling their family to hire a personal support worker with the support of an Independent Facilitator.
Independent Facilitation is an inclusive process with the power to effect profound change. Isaac’s experience is a case in point. Fully blind and diagnosed with autism by age seven, Isaac has long coped with a variety of serious physical and developmental challenges.
Having spent his childhood in segregated day programs, in the past Isaac had very little exposure to new people, places or ways of experiencing his own identity.
Everything changed once his mother Alice began receiving individualized funding enabling their family to hire a personal support worker with the support of an Independent Facilitator.

Today Isaac is communicative, makes his own coffee and sandwiches, sets the dinner table every night, bathes and dresses himself, vacuums and helps his mom with the dishes. He has his own business running errands, helps local senior citizens with their grocery shopping and performs lawn work in the summertime. His friends around town address him by name. Though Isaac is blind, he prefers to let his sensory perception guide his own choice of clothing. He is known for his good sense of humour and superb memory.
Unlike the rigidity of scheduled day programs, individualized funding allows Isaac to adjust the start time of his morning with his support worker to suit his preferences.
The flexibility this provides him makes a world of difference.
To learn more about Independent Facilitation visit OIFN.ca